Firm support for quality lighting, the culture of light and design
We are thrilled to dedicate the post to three of the entities we are pleased to be members of and gladly support. After working together for years, these associations are now a part of the ROVASI history.
Many of you have no doubt heard of them already because they are entities that endeavour to promote quality lighting, the culture of light and design:
On the international stage, we sponsor the IALD - LIRC.
The Lighting Industry Resource Council was set up to provide a framework within the International Association of Lighting Designers to improve communication between professional lighting designers and manufacturers so as to create a favourable environment for improvement by all.
“Good Lighting doesn’t just happen, it’s designed” perfectly reflects the philosophy upheld by the IALD.
Within Spain, we are a member of the CRII (Consejo de Recursos de la Industria de la Iluminación or Lighting Industry Resource Council), which is made up by companies that support the goals sought by the APDI (Asociación Profesional de Diseñadores de Iluminación or Professional Association of Lighting Designers). The APDI seeks to underpin the lighting design profession and to establish professional criteria and a responsible approach to improved lighting for our cities and spaces, as well as to obtain the best possible expression of architectural design, use energy resources properly and enhance well-being for users.
Within Catalonia, we are members of the Clúster Disseny · Design Cluster. This group of more than 150 companies, universities and innovation centres works hard to integrate design as a strategic priority. Promoted and driven by Barcelona Design Centre, the Design Cluster is a platform for inspiration, emotional connection with users and the creation of innovative experiences. The most iconic projects and programmes undertaken by the BcD include Barcelona Design Week, or Inspired in Barcelona®.
ROVASI has always considered networked working, collaboration and support for lighting and design professionals to be of the utmost importance, both nationally and internationally.
We therefore maintain our firm support for quality lighting, the culture of light and design.
Many of you have no doubt heard of them already because they are entities that endeavour to promote quality lighting, the culture of light and design:
On the international stage, we sponsor the IALD - LIRC.
The Lighting Industry Resource Council was set up to provide a framework within the International Association of Lighting Designers to improve communication between professional lighting designers and manufacturers so as to create a favourable environment for improvement by all.
“Good Lighting doesn’t just happen, it’s designed” perfectly reflects the philosophy upheld by the IALD.
Within Spain, we are a member of the CRII (Consejo de Recursos de la Industria de la Iluminación or Lighting Industry Resource Council), which is made up by companies that support the goals sought by the APDI (Asociación Profesional de Diseñadores de Iluminación or Professional Association of Lighting Designers). The APDI seeks to underpin the lighting design profession and to establish professional criteria and a responsible approach to improved lighting for our cities and spaces, as well as to obtain the best possible expression of architectural design, use energy resources properly and enhance well-being for users.
Within Catalonia, we are members of the Clúster Disseny · Design Cluster. This group of more than 150 companies, universities and innovation centres works hard to integrate design as a strategic priority. Promoted and driven by Barcelona Design Centre, the Design Cluster is a platform for inspiration, emotional connection with users and the creation of innovative experiences. The most iconic projects and programmes undertaken by the BcD include Barcelona Design Week, or Inspired in Barcelona®.
ROVASI has always considered networked working, collaboration and support for lighting and design professionals to be of the utmost importance, both nationally and internationally.
We therefore maintain our firm support for quality lighting, the culture of light and design.