Positive experience at Enlighten Europe 2016
First of all, we would like to thank the IALD and its entire team for the excellent organisation of this engaging event. It has been pretty difficult to choose particular sessions over these days full of amazing conferences, mainly because of the quality of the speakers. With every choice, we had the feeling we were missing something awesome just on the other side of the wall.
The two-day conference offered a three-track system, featuring courses in the Art (communicating design), Science (shaping the future) and Professional Tools (the business and operational side) Tracks. To name a few, we highlight:
Anne Bureau [Wonderfulight] and Karolina Zielinska-Dabkowska [D4P] with the session Follow the light. Peter Raynham and his interesting reflections with the session Work place lighting. Kevan Shaw [KSLD] and his words of wisdom about the EU Regulatory environment for lighting. Gavriil Papadiotis [LDInt] taught us that the camera is not only for selfies ... Ignacio Valero was masterful showing us to use the sun. Andrea Hartranft [HLD], Barbara Horton [HLB] and Anne Sbokou gave us a lesson of life and hope. And Richard Fallon, who his ability to present the subject in such an interesting way produced one of the most memorable evenings in our association history.
For ROVASI, it was a source of great pleasure to be a session sponsor and promote junior lighting designers so they could participate in the event. These were days to remember, for sure. We are looking forward to the next one in 2.018.